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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US! (yesterday!)

I was supposed to type this yesterday but as always I got carried away with other bits and pieces.

Yesterday was the the 1st anniversary of registering Black Sheep Studio & Art Gallery :)


This time last year I was on the SPEED Plus course through Wolverhampton University, regularly attending talks and lectures in the Molineux and eating my body weight in curly fries! (the veggie option haha)

I cannot even begin to describe how much we learnt in such a short space of time and there are far too many people to thank for this!

I did, at the beginning, completely under-estimate how long it would take me to acheive my goals. Ideally, I would already be set up in a premises by now - but this was unrealistic. Slow and steady wins the race eh?

I do get disheartened from time to time that is taking longer than I thought, naivety on my part, but I am also so pleased at excited at how much I have achieved so far and how much is still yet to come!It's all a big learning curve and I cannot wait to keep learning and keep getting closer to my dream.

Thank you to everyone for their support so far!

And big thank you to all my fellow SPEED Plus-ers who helped so much and are still helping now. It's a great little supportive group we have got and I hope we can continue to help each other into the future.

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